Tuesday, 3 December 2013

A (not so) brief Introduction


It seems appropriate that the first post that I write be a simple introduction explaining why I decided to start blogging and what it is that this blog will involve.

I am currently an International Relations undergraduate student - a fascinating subject with a far-reaching curriculum that incorporates politics, history, human rights issues, and some economic theory. While I love the diversity of my chosen major, oftentimes it leaves precious little room for a deeper analysis of subject areas and the chance to immerse yourself in a topic that truly grips you. Furthermore, outside of the lecture halls and seminar rooms there are very few places for those with an interest in international relations, political and current affairs, political history and so on, to express themselves in any depth. Social media sites have been my previous medium but I find my posts invariably drowned out by photos of drunk people and cats and now, much to my dismay, a veritable deluge of 6 second videos of - wait for it -.. drunk people and cats. Which, if I'm honest, is fair enough - Facebook was not intended as a platform to increase awareness of the more pressing issues of our time and so into the world of blogging enthusiastically I step.

So, having provided you with a brief back story, you've undoubtedly guessed that my intention is for this blog to explore in varying depth, the social and political (both current and historical) issues that inspire me to write.

As I have already mentioned, I am about as far from a hardcore writer/journalist/blogger as it is humanly possible to be. Having said this I feel it necessary to further warn you that I have always tried to cultivate a self-effacing attitude, meaning I do not tend to think my own opinion particularly important. While this may initially present something of an obstacle to confident writing (I am reliably informed that confidence grows with experience), it is however conducive to being very open to the growth and adaptation of my own opinions and attitudes in light of new information. Indeed that is one of the many reasons I like the prospect of blogging - as a means of educating myself through discussion or debate that will hopefully ensue should anybody care to comment on anything I post. To conclude, I simply wish to advise that, at the very least, my first few posts may be somewhat unsteady. I hope that people will respect the fact that I am new to this and that I fervently endeavour to improve my writing and my research skills through this blog, with time.

Please do feel entirely free to make any comments or spark any discussion pertinent to the post's subject and of course any constructive criticism or advice to improve my writing and research is warmly welcomed. :)

*End note: the name of the blog 'The Amateur Activist' was chosen not because the blog is involved in activism, rather because I myself aspire to become an activist/writer/lecturer and encouraging expression and increasing social-awareness via the internet has become a fundamental tool in spurring activism.

What do you want in life?

The mind of a scholar, undeterred by the vastness of the unknown.
The heart of an activist, not dependent on the opiate of hope.
The spirit of a revolutionary, untrammeled by the ubiquity convention.
God by my side to give it all meaning.

- the Amateur Activist